일석이조 - 一石二鳥, Killing two birds with one stone
설상가상 - 雪上加霜, Rub salt into wound or add to one's misery
유언비어 - 流言蜚語, Groundless rumour
유비무환 - 有備無患, Prepare well and there will not be problem
유명무실 - 有名無實, No real power or authority despite having the title
대기만성 - 大器晩成, It takes a long time to become an accomplished person
천진난만 - 天眞爛漫, Simple, naive and innocent
동문서답 - 東問西答:有答非所问的意思。指被问者有逃避问题的嫌疑。
Literal translation: I ask you something about East but you answer me West. This idiom is used to describe a person who gives an irrelevant or incoherent answer to a question with an intention to avoid answering it directly.
금시초문 - 今始初聞:指的是第一次听到莫消息的意思。
Literal translation: This is the first time I an hearing it. This idiom is used to describe a piece of information which you hear for the first time.
과소평가 - 過小評價:对人,事或物的价值判断有低于事实的意思。
Literal translation: Under valuation. This idiom is used to describe something (e.g. people, ability, price) that is undervalued.
과대평가 - 過大評價:有言过其实的意思。
Literal translation: Over valuation. This idiom is used to describe something that is way above its true value.
고집불통 - 固執不通:有屡劝不听的意思。形容人很坚持和顽固。
Literal translation: Cannot get through stubbornness. This idiom is used to describe a person who turns a deaf ear to others' advice or warning.
심사숙고 - 深思熟考:深思熟考也就是中文成语里的深思熟虑。意思也一样
Literal translation: Deep thought and matured consideration. This idiom is usually used to describe a decision that is reached after careful consideration.
이심전심 - 以心傳心:大概就是心有灵犀一点通的意思吧。
Literal translation: Heart to heart communication. It means telepathic communication between two persons.
팔방미인 - 八方美人:指各方面如样貌,才艺和知识等方面,很出众的人。
Literal translation: A beauty in all aspects. It means an all-round beauty who is not only good-looking but is also outstanding in study, arts and culture, sports, etc.
부전자전 - 父傳子傳:有其父必有其子的意思。
Literal translation: Like father like son. A similar idiom is "A chip off the old block".
횡설수설 - 橫說竪說:指的是说话的人所说的话不合逻辑或缺乏重点。
Literal translation: Talk horizontally and vertically. This idiom means speaking incoherently or talking nonsense.
작심삼일 - 作心三日:指的是决心不能持续的意思。做事只有三分钟热度。
Literal translation: The heart is determined for only 3 days. This idiom means lack of determination and perseverance.
막상막하 - 莫上莫下:有不分上下,势均力敌的意思。
Literal translation: Not up and not down. In other words, it means equally match. This idiom is usually used to describe a highly-competitive match wherein both teams are equally matched.
이열치열 - 以熱治熱:要懂得以热治热的意思就要知道韩国的民俗习惯。韩国人习惯在炎炎的夏日吃热腾腾的食物如人参鸡。他们认为“以热治热”对身体有益。所以就算吃到汗流浃背也甘之如饴。
Literal translation: Using heat to treat heat. In order to understand this idiom, you need to understand a bit of Korean culture. Koreans like to eat hot ginseng chicken soup during summer. They believe that eating something hot during the hot summer is good for health. This is described as 이열치열. Since 이열치열 is good for health, they will not mind perspiring while eating ginseng chicken soup during summer.
우왕좌왕 - 右往左往:有拿不定主意,不知去向的意思。“右往左往”的情况通常发生在一群人当中。各有各的意见但没有一个共识。
Literal translation: Turn right turn left. This idiom means running about in utter confusion or rushing about with no purpose. Such situation usually happens in a group wherein everyone has different and divergent ideas about how to go about doing something.
学习韩文成语不禁让我回想起小三那年开始学习中文成语的时候。万事起头难。现在只是开始学习二十句成语,未来的日子还有更多要学习的地方。我觉得韩文成语不比韩文俗谈难。下周韩语课好像是要教韩文俗谈。要掌握好韩语还真不能旷课呀。꼭 땡땡이 치지마. ㅋㅋ
일석이조 - 一石二鳥, Killing two birds with one stone
설상가상 - 雪上加霜, Rub salt into wound or add to one's misery
유언비어 - 流言蜚語, Groundless rumour
유비무환 - 有備無患, Prepare well and there will not be problem
유명무실 - 有名無實, No real power or authority despite having the title
대기만성 - 大器晩成, It takes a long time to become an accomplished person
천진난만 - 天眞爛漫, Simple, naive and innocent
동문서답 - 東問西答:有答非所问的意思。指被问者有逃避问题的嫌疑。
Literal translation: I ask you something about East but you answer me West. This idiom is used to describe a person who gives an irrelevant or incoherent answer to a question with an intention to avoid answering it directly.
금시초문 - 今始初聞:指的是第一次听到莫消息的意思。
Literal translation: This is the first time I an hearing it. This idiom is used to describe a piece of information which you hear for the first time.
과소평가 - 過小評價:对人,事或物的价值判断有低于事实的意思。
Literal translation: Under valuation. This idiom is used to describe something (e.g. people, ability, price) that is undervalued.
과대평가 - 過大評價:有言过其实的意思。
Literal translation: Over valuation. This idiom is used to describe something that is way above its true value.
고집불통 - 固執不通:有屡劝不听的意思。形容人很坚持和顽固。
Literal translation: Cannot get through stubbornness. This idiom is used to describe a person who turns a deaf ear to others' advice or warning.
심사숙고 - 深思熟考:深思熟考也就是中文成语里的深思熟虑。意思也一样
Literal translation: Deep thought and matured consideration. This idiom is usually used to describe a decision that is reached after careful consideration.
이심전심 - 以心傳心:大概就是心有灵犀一点通的意思吧。
Literal translation: Heart to heart communication. It means telepathic communication between two persons.
팔방미인 - 八方美人:指各方面如样貌,才艺和知识等方面,很出众的人。
Literal translation: A beauty in all aspects. It means an all-round beauty who is not only good-looking but is also outstanding in study, arts and culture, sports, etc.
부전자전 - 父傳子傳:有其父必有其子的意思。
Literal translation: Like father like son. A similar idiom is "A chip off the old block".
횡설수설 - 橫說竪說:指的是说话的人所说的话不合逻辑或缺乏重点。
Literal translation: Talk horizontally and vertically. This idiom means speaking incoherently or talking nonsense.
작심삼일 - 作心三日:指的是决心不能持续的意思。做事只有三分钟热度。
Literal translation: The heart is determined for only 3 days. This idiom means lack of determination and perseverance.
막상막하 - 莫上莫下:有不分上下,势均力敌的意思。
Literal translation: Not up and not down. In other words, it means equally match. This idiom is usually used to describe a highly-competitive match wherein both teams are equally matched.
이열치열 - 以熱治熱:要懂得以热治热的意思就要知道韩国的民俗习惯。韩国人习惯在炎炎的夏日吃热腾腾的食物如人参鸡。他们认为“以热治热”对身体有益。所以就算吃到汗流浃背也甘之如饴。
Literal translation: Using heat to treat heat. In order to understand this idiom, you need to understand a bit of Korean culture. Koreans like to eat hot ginseng chicken soup during summer. They believe that eating something hot during the hot summer is good for health. This is described as 이열치열. Since 이열치열 is good for health, they will not mind perspiring while eating ginseng chicken soup during summer.
우왕좌왕 - 右往左往:有拿不定主意,不知去向的意思。“右往左往”的情况通常发生在一群人当中。各有各的意见但没有一个共识。
Literal translation: Turn right turn left. This idiom means running about in utter confusion or rushing about with no purpose. Such situation usually happens in a group wherein everyone has different and divergent ideas about how to go about doing something.
学习韩文成语不禁让我回想起小三那年开始学习中文成语的时候。万事起头难。现在只是开始学习二十句成语,未来的日子还有更多要学习的地方。我觉得韩文成语不比韩文俗谈难。下周韩语课好像是要教韩文俗谈。要掌握好韩语还真不能旷课呀。꼭 땡땡이 치지마. ㅋㅋ
가르쳐 주셔서 고마워요.
ReplyDeleteSpicebears, 오랜만이죠. 잘 지내요?
ReplyDelete쓴 성어는 다 이해하면 좋겠어요.
다음에 재미있는 게 나오면 또 쓸게요.
기다리세요 ^^
제가 기다릴게요^^
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the translation. Appreciate your detailed description. Will print it out..... xie xie