Sunday, February 04, 2007

아름다운 불국사

Have you ever been attracted to visit a place after seeing some beautiful pictures of a place? I was. I bought a pack of postcard with the "beautiful Gyeongju" theme in Busan some years ago. Four years later I visited Gyeongju. In the pack of postcard which I bought there were pictures showing Bulguksa Temple in fall and winter. Different season seems to bring out a different beauty in the temple. When I visited Bulguksa Temple, it was spring. I took a picture of the temple from the same angle as those pictures shown in the postcards and it turned out quite well. However when I compared my picture with those on the postcards, I cannot seem to remember that there were branches overhanging in the position as shown in the postcards. I do suspect that "photoshop" had been used to create a more stunning-looking Bulguksa Temple. To me, with or without photo-editing, Bulguksa Temple still look beautiful.

Update: Song pointed out that there could be a tree behind the position which I took the picture and which I did not notice. She was absolutely right. I have checked numerous photographs of Bulguksa in the internet and all showed that there was indeed a tree. So the picture of Bulguksa in the postcard is genuine.

The first two pictures are taken from postcards. The last is taken by me.


  1. 마지막 사진도 엽서에 나오는 풍경 같네요. 멋져요^^

  2. 불국사는 아름다워 보인네요. 마지막 사진도 잘 찍었어요. 포스카드하고 같아요.^^

  3. Song and Spicebears, thank you for your nice words ^^

  4. 갑자기 생각난 건데, 엽서에 나온 나무가 나중에 잘리지 않았을까요? 포토샵으로 그려넣은 것 같지는 않은데...
    아니면 Equinox 씨가 사진 찍을 때 뒤에 있던 나무를 못보았다던가...

  5. 다음에 경주에 혹시 가게 되면 한번 자세히 살펴볼게요. 그 자리에 나무가 과연 있나 없나...

    암튼 사진 멋져요^^

  6. 알았어요. 다음에 그렇게 해 볼게요 :)
