This is Incheon Bridge (인천대교, 仁川大橋) under construction. It is slated to be open in October 2009 and by then, it will overtake Seohae Bridge (서해대교, 西海大橋) as the Korea's longest bridge. It connects the Incheon International Airport directly to the new Incheon Free Enconomic Zone (IFEZ) at Songdo (송도, 松島). IFEZ is a whole new city built on reclaimed land and is touted to be the next growth engine of Korea's economy.
Incheon Bridge, when lit at night, should be quite a magnificient view. An added bonus is the sunset before that is equally breathtaking. I know I have a soft spot for bridges because they connect two parts which were once separated. It is not a mere structure of engineering accomplishment.

Incheon Bridge, when lit at night, should be quite a magnificient view. An added bonus is the sunset before that is equally breathtaking. I know I have a soft spot for bridges because they connect two parts which were once separated. It is not a mere structure of engineering accomplishment.

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