Tuesday, November 14, 2006


King Sejong to non-Korean like me is almost synonymous with Hangeul. Every foreigner who learns Korean will likely be told that King Sejong invented the Hangeul so that commoners and not just the scholars could be literate. King Sejong deserves every respect as one of the greatest rulers in the Korean history. However, I don't think he was great because he was extremely brilliant. He became great because he knew how to appreciate and seek out talents. Hangeul would not have been invented if not for the group of scholars he had assembled in his "Hall of the Intellectual" (집현전-集賢殿).

History almost always gives credits to the rulers or the leaders. The real mastermind behind the success of those famous rulers or leaders probably might never be known. Sometimes when I read those quotable quotes of famous people I really wonder how many of these words were really their own. The speech made by famous people on important occasion was more often than not written by someone else. Yet we would not know who actually wrote the speech. If there were some words of wisdom that came out of the speech, the speaker would be credited as the person who said that.

In spite of all that was said, there is a Chinese saying, "良禽择木而栖,良臣择主而侍" (A good bird will choose the best tree to rest and a good official will choose the best ruler to serve). The brainchild behind the world's first rain gauge, a water clock, a sundial and astronomical observation devices, Jang Yeong-sil (장영실-將英實), was fortunate to have met King Sejong. If it was not for King Sejong, Jang Yeong-sil's gift in engineering would not have been uncovered and history would have missed him completely. With a benevolent ruler in King Sejong and good officials working under him, it was only natural that during King Sejong's reign, Joseon Dynasty flourished and made great advancement in art, literature, science and technology.

Jang Yeong-sil created the sundial known as Yangbu Ilgu (양부일구-仰釜日晷). The lines seen across the concave surface are meant to compensate for the seasonal change in the position of the sun. [Picture taken in Hwaseong]


  1. Can I have my mini study group on "Everything on Korea" from your blog here? ^^

  2. Hi Equinox.. your blog is so interesting, you inspired me to take up korean language.

  3. Hello pinkhippo, thanks for dropping by again.
    I am glad to know that you like my blog. I do welcome you to become our 후배(junior) if you do take up Korean language. ^^
