Saturday, October 14, 2006

같은 반 친구들의 모임

어제 저녁에 우리 스타디 그룹이(study group) 한가람 한국식당에서 마지막 모임을 했어요. 앤씨하고 징팡씨 밖에 다 같은 반 친구들이 모이러 나왔어요. 여러 가지의 한국음식 주문하고 맛있게 먹었어요. 해물 비빔밥, 버섯 비빔밥, 김치 스파게티, 파전, 순두부찌깨, 김치찌깨, 계란찜 등등 먹고 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요.

한가람 한국식당에서 찍은 같은 반 친구들의 사진

Our study group was formed as a result of the cancellation of the advanced level Korean language course scheduled on July 28. The advanced level course was supposed to start shortly after we had completed our intermediate level course in mid July. However, it was cancelled because the school required at least 10 students to start the course but we did not meet the number. Looking at the course schedule, the next advanced level course will start on October 31 and it would mean that we have to take a 3 months break from learning.

I thought the 3 months break was a bit too long so I suggested that we start a study group to keep our momentum of learning going. As the suggestion was well received, we have our study group gathering on every Friday since August 4. In total, we have 5 lessons and 2 dinners together. We have our last gathering yesterday at Hankaram Korean restuarant as the advanced level course will be starting in two weeks time.

The study group was not just about revision of lesson notes. We have taken this opportunity to get to know one another better. Frankly, we barely have any interaction time during our normal lesson. Lesson will normally start at 7pm and end at 9:30pm with a 5 minutes toilet break in between. We attend lesson and we go home. Sometimes, I don't even know the name of the person sitting beside me. With this study group gathering, at least we could have the time to clarify doubt about simple Korean grammar, talk about our interest and work and share information about Korean entertainment news. I have enjoyed our time together and I hope you do.

여러분, 스타디 그룹이 끝난 다음에 꼭 계속 한국어를 재미있게 공부하세요. 나중에 시간이 나면 같이 함께 다른 한국식당에 가 볼 거예요. 그럼 항상 행복하시고 건강하시기를 바랍니다.


  1. Equinox 씨, not sure whether your study group members have seen this blog, but I should thank you on your study group's behalf in putting in the effort and time....너무감지해요! ^^
    By the way, you should make an effort to know your classmates' names! :p

  2. Aini: 무슨 부럽?

    Yesmaru: "감지해요" 뭐예요? If it means thank you then I don't think I have not done enouugh to deserve a thank. I only wrote a posting~
    I think I know more classmates' names that you do. Hmm... who should make an effort then? ;)
