Tuesday, August 15, 2006

머나지 않게 해주세요

韩国映畵《時越愛》来到新加坡时被翻成《穿越爱情海》。其实我觉得《時越愛》这片名在意境上已经相当完美了。再把它翻成《穿越爱情海》无疑是画蛇添足。可是我也明白,新加坡人的中文程度并不是很好。如果沿用《時越愛》,也许会有很多人不知所云。不过这些年来,我大概也只记得它的意大利文片名-Il Mare. Il Mare 是我看的第一部韩语片。影片播映时,韩国连续剧还没在本地盛行。韩国连续剧真在本地风靡起来,也是三四年后的事了。当时,半句韩语都听不懂的我,还是很欣赏这部朴实无华却能引人深思的影片。时间和爱到底有什么关系呢?

我喜欢影片对爱的剖析。例如,这世上有三样东西是不能压抑的。它们是咳嗽,贫穷和爱。你越想压抑,它们就越要表露出来。或,爱是痛苦的,不是因为它已经停止了,而是因为它还在延续 。。。。。


However, the most intriguing part of this movie is in the playing out of the relationship between time and love. It kinda set me thinking about the possibility in real life for two persons to be separated in time and yet able to communicate and know each other well enough to want to meet in the future. I thought that it may afterall be possible if we can accept that time is relative in a way that different people can have different perception about the length of time.

If you can imagine this. You have been reading my blog for two years. Even though we have not met, to you, it may seem that you have "known" me for two years. You will know the cafe which I like to visit on a free afternoon. The time and station where I took the last train home. The people whom I like and the things which I dislike. But to me, I will not know of your existence. The time that I "know" you has yet to start. There is a different between the time you "know" me and the time I "know" you. This "time-lapse" between us is two years.

If you so decide to drop me a comment in my blog after two years, the time that I "know" you will only start to tick after that. We could have enjoyed chatting with each other online to the extent that we agree to meet each other one week later. To me, the time to the meeting will be exactly one week later. While for you, you have been thinking about meeting me since reading my blog two years ago, it will seem to you that you have "waited" two years to meet me. Due to our different in time (as in the time we know each other) perception, "time" has effectively "separated" us. In a certain sense, the cyberworld has become that magical mailbox in the movie that relayed messages across "time".

How then do love "survive" in a "time-warped" zone? The movie may have given the answer. When Ji-Hyun was still unable to let go of her love for her ex-boyfriend, Jung-Jae was killed in an accident and never made it for their appointment. But when Ji-Hyun's heart finally fell for Jung-Jae, the time was turned back and Jung-Jae "survived" to meet her in the future (this was the movie-ending scene). It strikes me that love can transcend a "time-warped" zone only if two hearts are connected. But If one of them does not love the other, the "future" will kinda "die" and there will not be any future for them to meet.

Do you believe in miracle? 要能欣赏这部电影,你必须也要能相信奇迹。


  1. 不只奇迹....人与人之间更需要缘份, 缘份往往創造奇迹.

  2. I cannot count on fate to create miracle because I don't know what I've done in my previous life. Maybe something really bad. I may be paying up my bad karma in this life. ^^

  3. 你是中国人还是韩国人?来我得blog玩玩吧http://living-in-prc.blogspot.com/

  4. Zhang Fan, 我是新加坡人。谢谢您的光临。真让我的博客蓬荜增辉。

  5. I am just reading your blog on Il Mare on may 2008, that's almost two years since you posted it, isnt it. I thought I just want to thank you for sharing these beautiful things you see around you in life, including the scenic pictures of korea (great photo-taking skill), the touching music, the moving movie clips and your vivid description of the places you have visited. Thanks!

  6. Annyeong Eli, it seems like you have travelled back in time to read my blog. I am glad to know that you have enjoyed reading my blog *^^*
