Saturday, August 18, 2007

생각하는 인생

"There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle."

- Albert Einstein

"인생에는 두 가지 삶 밖에 없다.
한 가지는 기적 같은 건 없다고 믿는 삶.
또 한 가지는 모든 것이 기적이라고 믿는 삶."

- 앨버트 아인슈타인

내가 생각하는 인생은 후자이다. (I think that life is the latter.)

I took the Korean translation for this famous quote of Albert Einstein from my dowoomi's cyworld blog. Dowoomi (도우미) is like a student sponsor to foreigner like me when I was studying in KHU. My teacher, Ms Choi, told me that 도우미 comes from the verb stem 돕다 which means to help. The word 도우미 is actually a "new-age" Korean language made popular by the media. 도우미, as explained by my teacher, is originally used to refer to the showgirls at the exhibition. Showgirls are meant to help company to market their products and the customers to know more about a product. The 미 in 도우미 is intentionally written in that way to mean "beautiful" as 미(美) or beauty is an important attribute required in showgirl.

Back to writing something about my dowoomi - Kim Sor-am. She is a culinary major in KHU, a subject which I thought is as unique as her name. Her subject of study will eventually lead her to become a chef. A chef with a degree is something quite unheard of in Singapore. Chef in Singapore is normally perceived as not so well-educated and that is how thing is here. Anyway, my dowoomi applied for one year study break earlier this year and is now studying Japanese language in Tokyo. She really makes me green with envy. That's why I always call her a lucky girl. Some people may have all the luck in the world but I believe my luck is not that far as well. Perhaps I just need to wait a little longer. 나는 모든 것이 기적이라고 믿는 삶을 살고 있다.

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