It seems like "어린왕자" or "The Little Prince" is quite popular in Korea. Not that this novella is not famous in other parts of the world, it is just that I see much more of Little Prince in Korea. Now, a Korean movie of the same name was made, though besides the name, there was nothing much else that was similar between the two. Despite that, I like its movie poster and apparently the poster is inspired by the sketches of little prince standing on a minute planet. "어린왕자" OST, December Romance (12월의 로망스), is sung by Glassbox (유리상자-琉璃箱子). The song gives a feel-good feeling which is kinda similar to how I feel after reading "The Little Prince". 이 노래를 들을 만해요.
Hi I frequent your blog immediately and really admire your passion for the Korean language
I need your opinion. I plan to go for Korean lessons (basic level 2) in April. Will you recommend SKS or NEX? SKS is more expensive.. but which one is better? Thanks.
Hello Kel, I wonder if you are the same Kelly who asked me the same question some months back. Anyway, if you have not known, I wrote about NEX and SKS in the following posting: You probably can decide which is more suitable. ^^
Jean, even Kaye couldn't fully understand "The Little Prince" in Korean. I think we have a long way to go :)
Kaye, 당근이지... 그런 간단한 문법도 잘못 할 수가 있는데난 한국어의 실력이 너무 형편없네 >.<
저 도 어린왕자가 아주 줗아해요! ;)
ReplyDelete제 친구가 작년 어린왕자 한국책을 저한테 주었어요. 지금 읽은 모르기는 하지만 나중에 한국어를 준보하고 자신이 있고 책을 읽어야해요. :)
틀린 부분에 고쳐도 되지? ^^
ReplyDelete노래가 -> 노래를 (??)
들 만하다 -> 들을 만하다... '듣다'는 불규칙 동사니까... ㅎㅎ
저도 한국어로 쓰여지는 어린왕자란 책이 있는데, 제7장까지만 읽었어... 모르는 단어가 많이 있어서 읽기는 힘들어~~ ^^;;;
Hi I frequent your blog immediately and really admire your passion for the Korean language
ReplyDeleteI need your opinion. I plan to go for Korean lessons (basic level 2) in April. Will you recommend SKS or NEX? SKS is more expensive.. but which one is better? Thanks.
Hello Kel,
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you are the same Kelly who asked me the same question some months back. Anyway, if you have not known, I wrote about NEX and SKS in the following posting:
You probably can decide which is more suitable. ^^
Jean, even Kaye couldn't fully understand "The Little Prince" in Korean. I think we have a long way to go :)
Kaye, 당근이지...
그런 간단한 문법도 잘못 할 수가 있는데난 한국어의 실력이 너무 형편없네 >.<