Sunday, February 03, 2008

체질의 정보

During one of the lessons, my teacher mentioned about her "body quality type" and the food that was good for her type of body. Out of curiosity, I asked her what were all the "body quality types" out there. She wasn't able to answer on the spot. Last lesson, she prepared a list of all the "body quality types", accompanied with explanation and the food to eat and avoid for each type of "body quality" and gave it to the class. The list was written in Korean but in order to share what she has given us, I have translated it into English to the best of my ability.

Body quality type (체질-體質) is a term used in Chinese and Korean traditional medicine to classify human body based on its "ying" and "yang" components. A healthy body is one that has a balance of "ying" and "yang" quality. The food that we eat also has "ying" and "yang" quality and hence can affect the balance of our body. The list below can help you to discover which body type you belong to. Out of the four body quality types, you can determine your type by comparing which type's characteristics and behaviour best suits you. With that done, you will know what food to eat and avoid in order to maintain a healthy and balanced body.

Frankly, I am in a dilemma after I read the list. It happens that food that I should avoid is what I like and food that is good for my body type is what I do not usually eat. I think my body is in "turmoil" now. It maybe difficult for me to follow the recommendations but I think so long as I eat in moderation, I should be fine.

태양인 太陽人

머리, 목 부분이 상대적으로 발달함. 마른 편이며, 오래 걷거나 서 있기가 힘들다. 시원스럽게 일을 처리하고, 부담없이 생각하고, 남성적이고 추진력이 있다.

* 간을 보호할 수 있는 담백한 음식, 기름기가 적은 해물류나 채소류가 좋다.

* 좋은 음식: 조개류, 게, 새우, 포도 등

* 주의 할 음식: 맵고 뜨거운 음식, 쇠고기, 설탕, 무우 등

Characteristics: Area around head and neck are relatively more developed. Tends to be slim and find it straining to walk or stand for a long time.

Behaviour: Can manage thing with a cool mind, think with a clear mind, is masculine and has driving force.

* Tip: Plain food which can protect the liver and not-so-oily seafoods or vegetables are good for health.

* Food to eat: Shellfish, Crab, Prawn, Grape etc.

* Food to avoid: Spicy and hot food, Beef, Sugar, Radish etc.

태음인 太陰人

허리가 굵고 목이 가늘다 보통 뼈가 굵다. 용감하고 활달하며 행동이 빠르다. 옳지 않은 일을 참지 못한다. 모든 일을 신중하게 생각하여 결정하므로 믿을 만하다.

* 운동과 목욕을 많이 하는 것이 중요하다.

* 좋은 음식: 쇠고기, 장어류, 김, 배, 호도, 은행, 버섯 등

* 주의 할 음식: 닭고기, 돼지고기, 꿀 등

Characteristics: Waist is large and neck is slim. Normally bone is large.

Behaviour: Brave, generous and speedy in action. Cannot endure non-righteous thing. A person who is worth believing in since everything is carefully thought through before a decision is made.

* Tip: It is important to exercise and bathe frequently

* Food to eat: Beef, Eel, Seaweed, Pear, Walnut, Gingko, Mushroom etc.

* Food to avoid: Chicken Meat, Pork, Honey etc.

소양인 少陽人

가슴이 발달하고 엉덩이가 작아서 상대적으로 상체가 크다. 창의력이 뛰어나며, 열정적이고 솔직하다. 남을 위하는 봉사 정신이 강하다.

*화와 열이 많아 다른 체질에 비하여 짜증이 많고 쉽게 화를 내기도 한다. 시원하고 찬 음식이 좋고, 신선한 야채와 과일을 많이 먹는 것이 좋다.

*좋은 음식: 돼지고기, 오리고기, 수박, 딸기, 바나나, 오이, 팥빙수 등

*주의 할 음식: 고추, 생강, 마늘, 닭고기, 개고기, 꿀, 인삼 등

Characteristics: Chest is developed but buttocks are small. The upper body, in comparison, is bigger than lower body.

Behaviour: Excel in creativity, is passionate and straightforward person. Has a strong spirit to render help to others. Has lot of anger and heat. Compared to other body quality types, has a lot of temper and can get angry easily.

* Tip: Eating many cool and cold food, fresh vegetables and fruits are good for health.

* Food to eat: Pork, Duck Meat, Watermelon, Strawberry, Banana, Cucumber, Iced Red Beans etc.

* Food to avoid: Chilli Pepper, Ginger, Garlic, Chicken Meat, Dog Meat, Honey, Ginseng etc.

소음인 少陰人

엉덩이가 크고 가슴이 좁아서 안정감이 있다. 야무지고 빈틈이 없어 보인다. 여성적이고, 다정다감하다. 손발이 차거나 추위를 타다.

* 찬 음식과 덜 익은 과일은 피하고 음식을 따뜻하게 하여 먹는다.

* 좋은 음식: 닭고기, 사과, 귤, 토마토, 복숭어, 인삼차, 생강차 등

* 주의 할 음식: 냉면, 돼지고기, 밀가루 음식, 수박, 빙과료

Characteristics: Buttocks are big but chest is small and has a sense of security. Hands and feet are cold or are very sensitive to cold.

Behaviour: Looks firm and steady and hard to find fault with this person. Is feminine and emotional.

* Tip: Avoid cold food and unripe fruits and eat food that is warm.

* Food to eat: Chicken Meat, Apple, Tangerine, Tomato, Blowfish and Mullet, Ginseng Tea, Ginger Tea etc.

* Food to avoid: Cold Noodles, Pork, Flour-based products, Watermelon, Ice Cream etc.


  1. 아~ 난 소음인인 것 같애~

    그럼 떡볶이와 이스크림을 많이 먹으면 안 되나 봐.. 난 좋아하는데... ㅠㅠ

    근데 내 체질에 맞는 음식은 좋아해~ ^^

  2. 찬 음식을 먹지마~
    특히 아이스크림...
    그 건 내 좋아하는 거 ^^
