Thursday, January 04, 2007

봄과 약속이 있어요

Picture taken in Spring 2002 at a garden outside Gyeongbokgung

Will I see spring in Korea this year? Maybe yes and maybe no. My boss has rejected my initial request to leave for study in Korea. My organisation does have provision for personnel to go on self-paid study leave so it is really down to one person decision now. I am appealing against his decision though. I hope that what I have written in my appeal letter will be able to tug on his heartstring strong enough for him to give his blessing eventually.

I guess only those opportunities that have to be fought will be treasured. There is time when I take things for granted. But as I grow older, I start to realise that thing doesn't happen because it happens, I need to make it happens. I know what I want and I am going to make it happens regardless of the outcome of the appeal. I may not see the fully-bloom spring but I should still be going for my study in March but maybe in Kyunghee University for 3 weeks instead. Nonetheless, I will be there.

마음 먹은거니 한번 시도해 볼게요. 아자 아자!


  1. Where there is a will, there is a way. I admire your determination and discipline.

    I was quite happy at first when your boss rejected your application. Because if you're in Korea for 3 months, I will be compelled to visit you, there goes my savings again 히히

  2. "뜻이 있는 곳에는 길이 있어요." :) 화이팅!

  3. 맞아....where there's a will there's a way. Remember how I thought I would NEVER get to study in Seoul because of my work commitment and I thought my husband would NEVER let me leave the kids? Well.....I quit my job, I begged my mom to help with the kids, and my husband opened his heart to let me go.
    3 weeks is a good start.


  4. Yesmaru, please keep your savings. You need that. I will remain uncontactable so that you can't visit me ;)

    Sue, this Korean proverb sounds so familiar. I think Spicebears once wrote it in her blog. Thanks for those encouraging words and for returning to visit my humble blog.

    Aini, that's a great sactifice you have made. It's a shame that you did not get to meet your 오빠. But I sure you will meet him eventually cos' I think you already know how =)
