Wednesday, December 08, 2010

백양사의 가을 (2)

The poem written by monk 'Seo Ong' (서옹, 西翁) on his visit to 'Twin Stream Pavilion' (쌍계루, 雙溪樓) was engraved on a stone slab near the entrance of Baekyangsa.

次雙溪樓韻 (차쌍계루운)

尨眉緇衲一癡僧 (방미치납일치승)
倚杖隨溪步自能 (의장수계보자능)
看到雲煙醒又醉 (간도운연성우취)
翫弄神變錯還增 (완롱신변착환증)
金風暗換楓初紫 (금풍암환풍초자)
秋月方明水愈澄 (추월방명수유징)
凡聖都忘閑吹笛 (범성도망한취적)
倒騎須彌任運登 (도기수미임운등)

In this poem, there is a sense of unbridled freedom and perfect enjoyment. Who needs 'soju' to get drunk when you are surrounded by a beautiful sea of red and orange maple leaves?

'Twin Stream Pavilion' (쌍계루,  雙溪樓)

The pavilion has its back facing Baekamsan and its front facing a stream.

The view of the stream in front of 쌍계루

A family resting in 쌍계루 as the morning sun shone lowly in.

No artificial colourings added

Monk Seo Ong's poem was carved onto this slab of stone 

Fallen maples are equally attractive

The earth and water are like on fire

Topping up cool spring water outside the temple

Walking up to the entrance of Baekyangsa, guided by colourful lanterns.

The entrance of Baekyangsa

The bell tower

Baekamsan (back) and the bell tower (front)

On the way back

Fallen maple leaves collected at one corner

Pattern of autumn

Very old maple trees lined this maple tree forest road

Festival at Baekyangsa

Parting shot of autumn


  1. very ambient images, it seems you travelled at the best time of the season. was this still october or already november?

  2. it was second week of november.
