Saturday, April 03, 2010

벚꽃이 폈을 때

When the cherry blossoms were blooming, it was very difficult to concentrate on my lesson. There was this temptation to skip class and laze around at the fountain plaza. Not only was the cherry blossoms scenery beautiful, the sunshine was also very gentle.


  1. Nice to see such good weather :)
    Found your blog while checking on KOPIK and KPLT. although too early to even register for these tests, since tomorrow is my 1st lesson at SKS. :)
    Seeing your blog is really fantastic!

  2. they have blossom in the Kyungheee univ. proceeding. I prefer to go Alien language univ. neared one. They are serving good better qualified meals on cheaper price. There are two restaurants in the area, I recommend those to you. How is the weather in Singapore?

  3. grey sky most of the time... Seoul definitely looks better :)

  4. 안녕하세요~ I've been checking out your blog the past few days and I really like the pictures you take! they're really beautiful and it makes me miss Korea even more. I'm Jinni, a korean language learner and I study the language on my own.^^

  5. @Anon1, study hard, fighting :)

    @우주영웅, 인정해요. 말하는 것처럼 경희대 학생식당보다는 외대 학생식당이 경제적이더라고요. 싱가폴의 날씨는 일년내내 여름이나 틀림이 없어요.

    @Jinni, 열심히 공부하세요^^

  6. Are the students in the photo second from the last just eating together or are they having class outdoors?

    Either way, it seems likes students are the same everywhere. Hehe, they're always trying to take advantage of the sunshine and a warm breeze.

  7. They are eating and playing outdoor.

    I cannot agree more. How to compare boring lecture with warm sunshine and breeze?
