Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I bought this book at Bandi & Luni bookstore, Jonggak branch, for 4,000won (S$5.40). This is a bilingual book printed in both English and Korean. Some time back, I heard that "The Little Prince" was withdrawn from all the bookstores in Korean due to copyright issue. I was fortunate enough to have bought it just before the selling ban was sanctioned.

I have read this book in both English and Chinese before so I wasn't in any hurry to pour through it. Until yesterday, I have just left it on the shelf to collect dust. Then as I was flipping through it, I saw this interesting line:

어른들은 누구나 한때 어린아이였으므르.
그러나 그것을 기억하는 어른은 별로 없다.
All grown-ups were children once upon a time.
But very few remember it.

Re-discovering that child within us is perhaps the greatest joy of reading this book.


  1. 어?? 그 책이 판메금지 됐단 걸 몰랐어. 아직도 판매금지 돼 있는거야?

    나두 그 책을 가지고 있는데, 제7장까지만 읽었어... ^^;;;

  2. 20장이나 남아 있잖아
    빨리 끝내라 ㅋㅋㅋ
