Saturday, September 16, 2006

현지학습 - MBC방송국

MBC방송국应该翻译成"文化放送局"吧。MBC可以和韩剧和韩流画上等号。《大长今》,《我爱金三顺》和即将在新加坡播映的《宫》都是出自MBC这韩国的"梦工厂"。参观MBC是庆熙大学一周韩语课程的其中一个"福利"。来到MBC时,大家满心期待想看到韩剧里的明星。结果大失所望,只能看到阿姨级的演员 - 如在《天堂的阶梯》里演崔智友妈妈的女演员。

MBC means Munhwa Broadcasting Cooperation and Munhwa means culture. MBC is almost symnonymous with Korean drama and Hanryu (the Korean wave). Popular Korean dramas like "Jewel in the Palace", "My Lovely Sam-Soon" and "Princess Hours" (soon to be aired in Singapore) came from this Korean "dream factory". The visit to MBC is one of the field trips of the one-week immersion programme in Kyunghee University. We were all excited about the visit, particularly because we were anticipating to meet some famous Korean drama stars. However, no luck. All we could meet that day were "ajumma" actresses like the actress who acted as Choi Ji Woo's mother in "Stairway To Heaven".


We visited the variety shows studio, the news studio, the costume department and the radio station. Among the places visited, I thought the news studio was quite interesting. It was no sweat for us to become the "news anchor" for the sake of just photo-taking. We could also swop to become the weather reporter or the sport news reporter and watched ourselves appeared in the studio's monitors. All our vanity, it seemed, could be satisfied at one go.

带领我们参观MBC的向导,很有责任感的为我们介绍MBC的每一个部门。可是大家只顾拍照留念,时常把他冷落一旁。或许他最后也"领悟"到了, 所以自言自语的说了几次:"사진찍기만."(只要照像罢了)。对不起了大哥, 我们是来自新加坡的人嘛! 请多多见谅。不过,可以请您再为我们再拍一张团体照吗?对了,以下的照片就是这位大哥在录音棚里帮我们拍的。

There was a guide from MBC who took us on a tour of MBC. He dutifully explained each studio and department of MBC to us but we were mostly concerned about taking photographs. We did not give him our attention for some of the time when things got a bit interesting. Finally, the MBC guide kinda of realised it and murmured softly to himself repeatedly, "사진 찍기만." (only want to take photographs). I am sorry big brother, we came from Singapore, that's why. Please accept our apology. But could you just help us take another group photograph? Yes, the photo below was taken by the MBC guide in the radio studio.


  1. 我觉得我们偶尔是后知后觉的.当时双眼忙著吸收新事物, 腦肋刹时打造不出問題嘛. 事过境迁后已太遲了!

  2. MBC드라마를 더 보면 괜찮을 수 있어요.^^

  3. wah....I can't's so cheem... please translate what you have written into Korean. Thanks ^^

  4. 아이니 씨, I have translated the text for you ... in English of course. ^^

  5. 어머!! 너무 너무 감사해요.....어머 어머!! ^^
