Friday, June 14, 2024

격세지감 (隔世之感)

My last overseas trip was four years ago to Dubai. Since then, it seems like I am living in a different world. I can no longer recall how falafel tasted like then.

If a tree falls in a forest and if no one hears it, does it makes a sound? What if one saw the tree fell and heard the sound but forgotten completely about it? It will be like I have not been through anything although the truth is I have.

Operation Falafel: mission to make street-food falafel upmarket

Falafel with lemon tahini dipping sauce

Sunday, June 02, 2024

평범의 삶

French revolution led to the abolition of feudalism. In modern parlance, it was a good riddance. No one is satisfied to live in dire poverty forever and no one can enjoy their power and wealth without limit. Extreme social divide has never ended well for the aristocrats. I think a healthy society is one that is made up mostly of middle-class. However, human greed predisposes humanity to the perpetual back and forth along the scale of social division. We are always fighting the demons we create.

I do not care how big or small my residence is. What is more important to pleb like me, I can have a good night sleep. 

Château de Chenonceau over scenic river Cher

A stately residence that is no longer out of bound to plebs